Tuesday 2 April 2013

Pokémon - Arceus Revenge

Pokémon - Arceus Revenge


I’ve had enough!’ Arceus yelled at his grandsons Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. He was mad because they kept on battling each other. He decided he needed help. He summoned his old friend Ash, who previously helped him get back the Jewel of life.
Ash had a terrible dream that night that Dialga, Palkia and Giratina were trying to defeat each other.

(More on Pokemon Official Website)

Ash told Misty and Brock, his partners on his journey. Brock was in the middle of catching a Ditto, so he told Misty.          
 ‘Really, cause’ I had a dream like that too,’ she said. Brock caught his Ditto and came over. ‘What are you talking about?’ Ash told him everything. ‘I had a dream like that too,’ he said. ‘I dreamt that they were in the bell tower!’
So they set off on their flying Pokémon. Misty had a Fearow, Ash had a Staravia, and Brock turned his Ditto into a Staravia,while Ash's cutest Pokemon Pikachu sat on Ash's shoulder. They flew to the bell tower. They saw a Ho-Oh overhead. ‘Wow! Look at that!’ cried Brock, amazed.


They saw Giratina fall down. Ash let Pikachu over to help out, and Arceus was mad. He thought that Pikachu had done it. ‘You horrible humans!’ he yelled. ‘You shall all pay!’ Arceus was really mad and used Judgment on Pikachu, and Pikachu fainted straight away. ‘We didn’t do it!’ Brock yelled to Arceus. ‘Yeah! We would never do something like that!’ Misty cried! Then the trio heard the sound of a Meowth, and that only meant one thing.


‘Prepare for trouble.’ ‘And make it double,’ they sang in glee. ‘SHUSH YOU GUYS!’ Ash yelled at them. ‘Why do that? We have a master ball and are thinking of capturing Arceus in it.

‘How did you get that?’ Misty asked.
‘We stole it from Oak,’ they said. ‘Oh you bad, bad guys,’ Ash said. He sent out his Tortera to use Vine wipe, and they stole the ball back. ‘Hey, you can’t do that!’ they yelled, but no one could hear them, Tortera used leafstorm to sent them away in the speed of light. ‘I am sorry for doubting you my friends,’ Arceus said, ‘Take this, and be happy.’ Arceus gave them revives, and Ash gave it to Pikachu. Everyone was happy, so they set off on their journey, to the Johoto league, and Ash knew he would win it!


                                                        A New Cutest Pokemon!

One day I woke up with something in my bed.I piked it up and knew what it was'it was a POKE'BALL.So I opened it up and a Piplup popped out.I walked out of my house and it was a huge world of pokemon.

The other cutest Pokemon that I had was itching for a fight,so I ran into some grass,that had a cutest Pokemon in it,after I was done mopping the floor with that Pokemon,piplup{My cutest Pokemon}started to twitch,at first I thought that he was sick,but then he looked different.Then I knew why it was twitching,it was evolving!

Piplup turned into a Prinplup! Prinplup got into trouble real quick,Prinplup found a Turtwig and when it looked like Prinplup was going to win I put theTurtwig in a Poke'ball,so if you were wanting to know how to catch a pokemon,there you go.

And whoa, for you dear readers, here is my list of the cutest Pokemon on our favorite Youtube.

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