Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 7

Page 7

Espeon closed her senses. “I am sorry to say, but you cannot evolve. We elements were
not made to evolve in any way. We remain the same, never changing. Why, if we change,
so does the structure of the earth. It will never work or run the same way again.”
"And power without compassion is cruel," Added Flareon, looking at the forest power in a
new light. Leafeon quickly shook her head, trying to flick the thoughts away.
She stared right at the flame goddess. Leafeon's vicious eyes seemed to burn right
through her. "You're wrong," Her mind whispered.
"You are foolish, forest energy!" Reprimanded the king of darkness.
Her eyes snapped to him. "Do not talk about me that way." She uttered, a rage boiling
"Is it power you seek, or the thrill of evolution?" Asked Espeon. She had just opened her
mind again from a deep state of mediation. Her eyes focused on the vengeful energy.
Leafeon thought. "I'm more attracted to the evolving. I've watched other Pokémon evolve
and they seemed to have enjoyed the experience. I would also like to feel the same. Why
do you ask?"
"I believe there may be a way to restore your original form." She replied. Original form?
"What is this… original form… That you speak of?"
"All seven of us evolved from a weaker Pokémon. That weaker form is a Pokémon built to
evolve and adapt to certain environments. That Pokémon is one of the cutest Pokemon ever, and is called Eevee, and each one
of us are its evolved form. If you find and Eevee, it may be able to help you revert back
to your pre-evolved form. Yes, you too would become an Eevee. Then, that Pokémon
may also hold the key to evolution. You should then, though tiring activities, be able to
have your special evolution back to Leafeon."
The sweet leafy energy thought. She thought, and thought, and contemplated the whole plan.

pokemon eevee leafeon

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