Thursday 11 April 2013

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 13

Page 13

Glaceon’s sweet voice violently cut through Leafeon’s deep thoughts.
“Most of them are in places called towns. There are buildings and various other vital
spaces in a single town. Pokémon also live inside the houses with the humans." Leafeon
whipped around to Glaceon, a vile emotion warped in her eyes.
"How do you know all this? You told me you didn't have any time to pay attention to life
below. And don't lie to me." Glaceon felt very upset and guilty.
"I know, Leafeon, that I haven't been quite honest with you. In true honesty, while I was
on my duty, I quietly observed life. Every winter, for countless moons, I would watch the
humans and Pokémon interact and grow together. I watched how they overcame
obstacles together, and became great inseparable friends. The two kinds seemed to
become closer every time I witnessed earth, all over the millennia. I know a lot about
humans and Pokémon alike, my knowledge of them is quite extensive. I lied to you about
this because, well, I expected you to be disbelieving and shun me away."
Glaceon watched as Leafeon processed the information. She didn’t know if Leafeon would
accept it, or be ferocious. Slowly, Leafeon nodded.
"Glacia…" A long widespread time it had been before Leafeon called Glaceon by her
name. Her true name. Of course, all Pokémon - including The Seven - are called after the
Pokémon that they are. But The Seven and possibly millions of other Pokémon in
existence have been named with a special and unique name. Their nickname.
"I regret it all. I take it all back."
After the two energies apologized and remedied their situation, they were back on the
task of finding an Eevee.
"Would it be useful if we found an Eevee in a persons household?" Asked Leafeon.
Glaceon wondered.
"All Eevee are the same, and I don't say that to be mean. I say it to you meaning they all
have the ability to evolve you, so really it doesn't matter if it's wild or domestic."
"But would it be quicker finding a domestic?"
"No, not really. Almost as hard as finding a wild one. We'd need to look in all the Pokéfan
complexes, try to locate an Eevee-crazy human. There, there'd be bound for an Eevee,"
Leafeon processed this. "Where would we find a… Pokéfan… Complex?"
"In a town, I'm sure there's one in every town."
The two pure energies knew; it was time.

                                                                    THE END

cutest pokemon

Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 12

Page 12

They were wandering aimlessly through the pasture in complete silence, and this killed
Glaceon. She had so much to say and ask about the Eevee, and she was sure that if she
spoke up Leafeon would viciously shush her. But the deafening quiet made Glaceon
insane, and she couldn't resist talking.
“I may know where an Eevee is…” She uncertainly said, waiting for Leafeon to tell her to
shut up. Instead, she did the complete opposite, and stopped walking.
Glaceon was startled by Leafeon's abrupt stop. “Wait…so… you actually …might know…
where to find one?” She answered, a strange light in her warm eyes.
Still unsure, Glaceon lightly nodded. “Well, since Espeon said that our pre-evolution forms
are an Eevee, which means an Eevee must evolve into one of our energies. Try thinking
of what our elements are tied to. Yours is the forest; so we should look in grass, trees,
copses… anywhere where natural foliage rests. Mine is ice; try snowy lands and a polar
ice cap. Vaporeon; rivers, waterfalls, oceans. So, pretty much anywhere we’d find an
A flash of visible soundless gratitude swept over Leafeon.
“Thank you Glaceon! Finally, I can fi- Wait. We’re in a pasture now… Where are the
Eevee? Or any other Pokémon?” The two energies looked around themselves. There were
no Pokémon in the sky; which now was a light shadowy gold, no movement in the dark
row of trees, nothing in the softly swaying grass and it was completely desolate in the
distance all around.


Glaceon faced Leafeon. “It is night. They are all sleeping. We should wait a few more
hours until dawn begins to gently wake them.” She said. Leafeon whined.
“I don’t have the time or patience for that!”
Glaceon shook her head, her fringe becoming messed again. “You’ll just have to. Two
hours at the most and the wild Pokémon stir. Humans wake a little later, having liking
their ‘sleep-ins’.”

This is surreal… How is it possible for Glaceon to know all this? She’s only wakeful for
three months of each year, and is weighed down with the task of preparing and
maintaining winter. She is so busy, how does she get the time to study life below?
Leafeon thought.
“Well,” She began, not sure where to go with the sentence, “Where are the humans?”
They had begun walking again. “I’d just told you; they’re all sleeping. In their homes.”
Glaceon answered. “And… Where do we find one of their homes?” Leafeon asked. The
word ‘home’ struck a strange feeling inside Leafeon’s heart. The feeling was of hurt. Why?
Was it because she believed she had no real place or importance in the universe? Was it
because she didn’t grow up knowing her parents?

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 11

Page 11

Leafeon’s brows twisted with contempt. “You’re an idiot. Eevee just don’t ‘hang out’. They
live in almost any environment with any weather conditions. So they could be…
Anywhere,” She concluded, almost looking defeated.
Glaceon looked to the ground, upset. “Why have you become so cold? You aren’t the
sweet Leafeon I once knew,”
“The vengeance in my heart turned my blood impure. I am more made of painful jealousy
than I ever was before. I have been turned evil by the actions of others, not by my free
will. I’m sorry.” She explained.
After a few minutes of deep thought and mulling, Glaceon spoke up. “Besides, how was I
to know about where Eevee flock? I am asleep for nine months of the year. I don’t pay
much attention to the human or Pokémon below.” It was true; Glaceon was the guardian
of ice and winter. She only woke to ensue winter and to keep track of the north and south
polar caps, controlling them at will to hold back from melting in the harshest weather.
She didn't really have time to play around or watch life on earth.
Leafeon saw this as truth and nodded. “Okay. I’m sorry for snapping your head off back
there. Now…” She drifted off, looking around her again. “Let’s start.”
For three chilly minutes Leafeon and Glaceon were slowly padding their way through the
damp grass. In pitch blackness, Leafeon could see small dew droplets on the untouched blades of grass. And somewhere, in the very far distance, slowly rose a golden glow.
Sunrise. So maybe Espeon wasn't going to doom her in complete darkness. A small thud
of her heart reminded her of the vividness of the moment.

cute pokemon

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 10

Opening Eyes

Page 10

Two eyes, brown as the fallen autumn leaves, stared out from a black abyss. The gentle
eyes scanned the area, though even in the dead of night she could see everything as if it
were day. Trees were lined across the path she was facing, possibly woodland. She
laughed evil and cold. Typical; they'd dumped her near the forest. Show her a little
malevolence just after giving her what she wanted. Stupid elements.
The moon was not shining at all; she could barely see her paw before her eyes. Umbreon
was also not being kind to her. She wondered if the sun would even rise for the day,
having Espeon too turn her back. But now, Leafeon was truly happy. She could at last
search for this ‘Eevee’ and learn about evolution. She also laughed, knowing earth was
stuck in spring for as long as it took her to find an Eevee. Damn, she thought smiling,
earth is so dumb.
Suddenly, there was some rustling in the chilly grass beside her. Leafeon jumped in terror
and poised for attack, only to see with her better-than-feline-eyes that it was only her
cousin power, Glaceon. Why had Glaceon followed her to earth?
“What are you doing here?” Leafeon snarled, a little too maliciously for the sweet exterior
she held. The Guardian of Ice looked at her, confused. “What is wrong with you? Were
you not listening when we just had the meeting? I told you that I would be coming down
with you.” She replied. Leafeon nodded, realizing her mistake.
“Alright then. Have you any idea where we should start?” Leafeon gazed around the plain
and her eyes settled on her cousin power, which was shaking her head and wearing a
puzzled expression. “I don’t know… Where does the Eevee hang out?” She replied,
smoothing the fringe between her ears.

opening eyes

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 9

Part 9

"What is this commotion?" She snarls.
Glaceon turns to Espeon. "Please Espeon, if you are going to banish Leafeon, banish me
too. She's my Cousin Power, and it isn't that fair to let her go walking around on foreign
lands. I will be there to help her, but I do not have the same power hunger as Leafeon."
Glaceon hoped she would be able to help Leafeon, no matter how terrible her task may
Espeon nodded, granting her wish. "I will send both energies to earth. They will graze the
surface of earth, in determined search of the soul of an Eevee. Glaceon will be of aid to
Leafeon. Their sentence will be lifted when they have completed the course to my
standards. They will return as I see fit."
And just like that, Espeon re-connected her power as before. She entered a trance like
state. Focused on the two images of the energies. Built up that power, and then opened
her mind. Directed it at the two seasonal energies, and as soon as it made contact
through mental transmission, they were gone from the dimension. Disappeared.
Espeon, weak from the effort, fell down on her podium. Filled with concern and fear,
Umbreon rushed to her side, and attempted to comfort her. "Are they gone?"
With the shadow of a whisper, two chilling words left the mouth of the Goddess."They're gone,"

Eevee legend

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 8

Page 8

Espeon felt her own heart crack. "I am sorry, Leafeon. That isn't possible."
But Leafeon didn't believe this.
"There must be another way, I-"
"ENOUGH!" Yelled Espeon, her musical voice cutting through the vicious atmosphere. "I
have this all planned. In my few moments of meditation I have reached an epiphany.
Leafeon, I will banish you to earth. On your mission, you will search for an Eevee. When
you find one, you will do as I instructed before and you will evolve to your pre-evolution
and then evolve back. That shall satisfy your hunger for the thrill of evolution."
Gasps surrounded the air. Banish? Of all, Leafeon is the least vicious. She is the least
suspicious. Even the word struck her with a twitch of fear.
All eyes were on Leafeon.
"I accept,"
Espeon nodded. She closed her eyes, and was quiet for a very long time. Espeon's mind
was closed. She was rejecting all their thoughts, emotions and was concentrating on
waking up one of her inner powers, one that has been dormant for thousands of era's.
The power, the power that pulsated, the power the was soon swelling inside Espeon's
body. Soon, very soon, she would open her eyes and her mind, and let the power flow
straight into Leafeon's soul. She would then be non-existent, dead to all The Seven.
However, she would be sent to earth in her Pokémon body, and not her natural energy
"Wait!" Screeches a gentle creature. The sound startled Espeon, and her meditation was
cut off. Disintegrated. A quiet rage flared in Espeon.

cute pokemon

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 7

Page 7

Espeon closed her senses. “I am sorry to say, but you cannot evolve. We elements were
not made to evolve in any way. We remain the same, never changing. Why, if we change,
so does the structure of the earth. It will never work or run the same way again.”
"And power without compassion is cruel," Added Flareon, looking at the forest power in a
new light. Leafeon quickly shook her head, trying to flick the thoughts away.
She stared right at the flame goddess. Leafeon's vicious eyes seemed to burn right
through her. "You're wrong," Her mind whispered.
"You are foolish, forest energy!" Reprimanded the king of darkness.
Her eyes snapped to him. "Do not talk about me that way." She uttered, a rage boiling
"Is it power you seek, or the thrill of evolution?" Asked Espeon. She had just opened her
mind again from a deep state of mediation. Her eyes focused on the vengeful energy.
Leafeon thought. "I'm more attracted to the evolving. I've watched other Pokémon evolve
and they seemed to have enjoyed the experience. I would also like to feel the same. Why
do you ask?"
"I believe there may be a way to restore your original form." She replied. Original form?
"What is this… original form… That you speak of?"
"All seven of us evolved from a weaker Pokémon. That weaker form is a Pokémon built to
evolve and adapt to certain environments. That Pokémon is one of the cutest Pokemon ever, and is called Eevee, and each one
of us are its evolved form. If you find and Eevee, it may be able to help you revert back
to your pre-evolved form. Yes, you too would become an Eevee. Then, that Pokémon
may also hold the key to evolution. You should then, though tiring activities, be able to
have your special evolution back to Leafeon."
The sweet leafy energy thought. She thought, and thought, and contemplated the whole plan.

pokemon eevee leafeon

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 6

Page 6

The forest energy glared back. “I do not know if it is possible yet, but I plan to destroy
the element of forest. I will leave this earth in ultimate destruction if my wish is not
fulfilled. I will eliminate my power and role in survival if I do not evolve.”For such an important Pokémon to selfishly demand more power at earth’s mercy; there
would be certain destruction and immediate death. Forests will not flourish. Grass will not
grow. Fertile lands will not produce food. Pokémon and humans alike would starve, dying
in pain. To remove such a vital element would leave the other six in limbo; they would
not be able to work correctly without the missing cog. Soon everything else on earth
would begin to fail. All because of a hunger for power. A desire for more supremacy and
Jolteon turned to Leafeon. “I- I do not understand. Why do you wish to eradicate forest
power?” He interrogated. Leafeon’s eyes flashed. “Cousin Power, why are you upset with
your role in the universe? You hold such an important piece in the survival of life. Why do
you feel that you should throw it away?” The guardian of ice asked, an adventurous
twinkle in her eyes.
“What are you saying, Glaceon?” Leafeon replied.
“You are very valuable. We need you,” She answered. But Leafeon did not believe this. In
order to break such a strong element she would have to destroy the source; the power;
the energy.
Leafeon would have to destroy herself.
“I would be very thankful and stop my wrath if you allow me to evolve into a body more
powerful.” She announced.

Cutest Pokemon

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 5

Page 5

“Since this morning, the energy carrying the anger has deepened. I feel very upset due to
this, and I have called you all here to discuss this matter. I would like to keep earth
surviving," A silence fell over them all, an electric air.
“It is I. I am the energy that denies balance in the world.” The brown bodied green haired
creature stepped forward and spoke. Amongst all the other energies Leafeon was the
sweetest, kindest, and gentlest. The energy most unsuspected of committing such a
Gasps and words of surprise rang out in the black abyss. “Forest Power, why do you feel
this way?” Asked Umbreon, eyes wide with shock.
The grass creature looked innocent, but in pain. “I do not believe I have a proper role in
the system. I want to be of more importance.” She answered.
Vaporeon, the water guard, stepped forward to Leafeon. “What are you talking about?
Please explain what you mean,” There was a crackle of anticipation in the air as she
began to speak.
“Over the millennia that I have been watching over the earth, I’ve noticed that certain
creatures evolve and morph into different creatures. Humans and plants, other Pokémon,
but not us. Why do we not change? Why are we still the same? After many generations of
looking after the universe it has not been kind and thanked us. It has not let us evolve
into something better. Why is this?” All of the other energies in the dimension shook their
heads in disagreement, except for one.
“And what are you planning to do about this, Leafeon?” Questioned the lilac goddess. Her
gaze cut through the atmosphere and pierced Leafeon’s mind, attempting to find a reason
for this.

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 4

Page 4

Though one warm spring morning, close to the year of 2013, Espeon felt a tightness in
her heart; a twitch in her veins. Her psychic mind picked up on a hidden unfaithfulness
from within the other six but could not quite place who it was. Yet Espeon ignored the
feeling. She did not think such feelings would be possible with her siblings. But what were
the emotions she was picking up on? Rage, jealousy, heartbreak. Espeon was beyond
puzzled. She immediately channelled Umbreon from his slumber and spoke to him of her
findings. “I sense a sibling of ours is not being true. Their thoughts are impure. It wreaks
havoc with my mind, and I would like to address the five about this. Do you agree?”Umbreon, who would come at Espeon’s call from miles, nodded solemnly. “We cannot
have imperfections within the elements. It will destroy the earth,” He said.
Espeon travelled back to her dimension, with Umbreon close behind. She harnessed her
telekinetic power and called the other elemental energies with her mind. The energies
slowly came into vision, first to come was Glaceon. Then the ruler of fire; Flareon, then
Vaporeon, next Jolteon, and finally Leafeon. Umbreon took stand next to Espeon on the
white platform as they watched the energies transform into their respective bodies. All six
pairs of eyes were laying on Espeon. As she was about to begin her speech, the feeling in
her heart and nerves grew stronger. The negative energy was in the very same
dimension. It was one of them.
This time, Espeon did not ignore it. “My fellow Power Siblings,” She began. “Upon this
morning I noticed an emotion from within one of your hearts. It was a nasty feeling; of
pure hatred and jealousy. I could not understand why anyone would feel this way. As you
all know, an imbalance in the elements would surely cause destruction on earth. We
cannot afford this. We have worked hard to maintain the elements on this planet and to
just end our role due to an emotion is not the way we work. You all know that, and
please follow it.”

Eevee legend

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 3

Page 3

The forest energy is a leafy sweet animal. She is called Leafeon and controls the growth
of vegetation, ensuring there are enough foods for all creatures. Leafeon makes grass
grow, trees flourish and flowers bloom. She also prevents hunger, and is ruler of spring.
And finally, there are our sun and moon lovers. Umbreon, dark as night and cool and
frost, rules the moon. He has the task of caring for the tides and moon, and making sure
the moon has a safe travel in the dimension of space to earth. And Espeon, the lilac sun
goddess, she rules and cares for the sun. She ensures it rises and set in the right way. For
eons, Umbreon and Espeon have been in a forbidden love, rendered apart by their
separate roles in the universe and by other cruel means.
These seven beings of powerful energy became the pillars of earths fundamental survival.
Many of the humans below on earth call them The Eevee Legends, The Seven or Gods of
the Skies.
The Seven were present when the bare threads and fibres of human beings were being
cast into formation. The Seven watched over the millennia as human life began to grow
and evolve, and they also were of watchful eye when the earth shaped into suitable
environments. Volcanoes became dormant, mountains were created. Mountains
crumbled, valleys grew in place. Earthquakes tore earth apart, oceans formed. Streams
ran through hidden valleys and fell off dangerous cliff faces. The birth of waterfalls. Trees
surged upwards, growing stronger each century of life. Forests became abundant. Wisps
of clouds blanketed the blue sky. Deserts blew with sand, the young winds absently
creating dunes, and the faintest sand castles. Bergs of ice dropped away and dived into
the sea. Snow fell on ice caps and made everything look beautiful for three months of a
year. On thousands of random occurrences, small drops of water would fall from the sky,
kudos to Vaporeon. Then, the little things came into existence. Flowers blossomed across
fertile lands. Special medicinal herbs began to grow. Lotus flowers danced upon the lakes’
current. Grass grew and grew and grew and swayed with the wind, just like the wheat
fields that grew silently. The Seven noticed that human life was producing well too. So
far, everything on earth was successful.

Eevee Legend

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 2

Page 2

Last, but not least, they thanked Leafeon for vegetation and the trees. They thanked her
for the grass, the flowers, all things natural and free.
The Seasonal Gods were thanked first. Then, the yin and yang lovers were praised for
their contribution.
Umbreon, ruler of the moon and the solar system, was thanked for keeping the tides
under control and bringing night. Then Espeon, Queen of the Universe, was thanked for
her huge role in life. She controlled the sun, and it was her duty to bring day, and to have
ultimate control of all the other energies.
The humans of earth even painted their faiths to The Seven on their cave walls. They
made prayers, poems, songs. Some even made legends, but none were true of course.
None of The Seven revealed their true identity to the humans. They were, inevitably, only
The creature created from water was called Vaporeon. Since her molecular structure
wasn't fully stable, she was able to melt at will if water or dampness was present in the
atmosphere. She had the power to become at one with water.
The energy responsible for lighting is Jolteon. He controls the storms that electrocute theearth.
The ruler of fire is Flareon. She is in control of summer and is responsible for bringing
flame to the humans.

From the glaciers and icebergs of earth Glaceon was created. She keeps the ice at best
temperature while maintaining its solidity and structural properties. Glaceon also controls
winter, making snowflakes and icicles and snow and keeping the earth cool for three

cutest pokemon

The Seven: The Eevee Legend - Page 1

The Beginning

Page 1

In the early beginnings of earth’s youth, seven forms of pure energy dominated the earth.
These forms of life were each derived out of the elements, and cast into bodies to rule
and protect their element.
Though not all energies came from the pure five elements. These have more importance,
but also have worse down sides. Each of these elemental creatures had a power. A
special gift that tied to their place in the universe, and also tied to their element.

Eevee Legends

Over the long and winding millennia, humans grew and worshipped The Seven as their
gods. Espeon was the ruler of all things in creation, Umbreon was held to the moon and
solar tides, Flareon was the heroine of the flames, Vaporeon was guardian of water and
the seas, Jolteon brought forth thunderstorms and struck down humans of crime with his
branches of electrified power, Glaceon was the ruler of the polar ice caps and choked the
earth with winter and hailstorms, and Leafeon was the goddess of all things nature and
free. The Seven noticed, that around the same time each year, humans would make
flimsy wreaths of vine and flowers and tie it around their heads, hang them from trees,
and gather around a large fire in the night. There would be a celebration. Humans would
share food, drinks, kindness, and then they would all fall to their knees and clasp their
hands in prayer. With the weak light of the fire against the stark night, the humans
prayed their thanks to The Seven.
They thanked Flareon, for gifting them with fire and the skills to create flame. They
thanked her for all the sweltering summers she brings.
They then thanked Jolteon for lightning, and the yearly autumn that falls.
They then thanked Glaceon for sending them a chilly winter each year, and for controlling
the ice at the north and south of the earth. Humans, especially the young, thanked her
for the snow and intricate snowflakes.

cute pokemon

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Bulbasaur - Pokemon Info

Bulbasaur is a Seed Pokémon in species.  It is a Grass and Poison type and it's abilities are Overgrow and Chlorophyll.  In the wild, Bulbasaur is more commonly found as male than female and is not easy to catch.  
Bulbasaur's average height is around two feet and it weighs around fifteen pounds.
Bulbasaur is a starter Pokémon given to young trainers beginning their adventures by the famous Professor Oak.
This cute Pokemon evolves into Ivysaur and Venusaur. 
In basic appearance there is no difference between female Bulbasaurs and male Bulbasaurs except for the fact that sometimes female Bulbasaurs have spots on their head that are heart-shaped.

Chapter 2-- Appearance

Bulbasaur is a reptilian creature with four feet.  It resembles a toad or a young dinosaur with a spotted green-blue hide.  Bulbasaur has three white claws or toes growing out of each of its feet and it's eyes are a bright red.  The most notable feature of this cute Pokemon, however, is the green bulb growing out of its back.  It grows as Bulbasaur grows and stays with it during the rest of its evolutions. 
            The bulb on Bulbasaurs' back (sometimes referred to as a seed or pouch as it carries seeds) bursts into a flowery bud when Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur, which fully blooms as Venusaur.  This bud plays a big part in Bulbasaurs' life.

Chapter 3-- Habitat and Diet

Bulbasaurs are scarce in the wild.  They are sometimes found in secret places such as gardens, plains near a fresh water source, and hollow logs, but more often owned by Trainers.  Bulbasaur is native to Kanto.
Bulbasaur is an omnivore but when food is scarce it can survive because the bulb on its back stores energy.

Chapter 4-- Young Bulbasaur

Bulbasaur is a hatched creature.  A strange seed, or bulb is on its back from the moment this cute Pokemon is hatched.  When Bulbasaur is young, the bulb plays a big part in its life.  When the bulb gets energy, both the bulb and Bulbasaur grow.  Young Bulbasaurs are seen lying the sunshine because the sun rays are what nourish the bulb. 
            When a young Bulbasaur is crying and all other comforting methods fail, mothers will use their vines and rock the babies back and forth in a Bulba-by where is sings to it while rocking.  This has only been recorded once by humans, making some people disbelieve this behavior is real. 

Chapter 5-- General Behavior

Bulbasaur is usually raised by breeders to distribute as a starter Pokémon.  Due to this they are usually considered very well behaved.  In fact, they are sometimes said to be the best starter Pokémon, not only because they have a type advantage on some Gym Leaders. 
            Bulbasaurs also tend to have a very strong loyalty to their Trainers.  For example, once a Bulbasaur was abandoned and lived in the sewer for decades.  When the Trainer found it again, the Bulbasaur was still delighted to see him.          
            It has also been found that once, annually in Kanto groups of Bulbasaur will gather to turn into Ivysaur.  It is unknown if Bulbasaur does the same in other regions.

Chapter 6-- Trivia

Bulbasaur is the only dual-typed un-evolved Pokémon that is both Grass and Poison type. 
Bulbasaur is one of the only Pokémon that has been found with heart-shaped spots.
The bulb on Bulbasaurs' back resembles a lily or an Onion. 
Bulbasaur is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Petal Dance by breeding.
Bulbasaurs' Name in Different Languages:

German = Bisasam

French = Bulbizarre  ("Bizarre Bulb")

Korean= Isanghaesshi  (Translates to "Strange Seed")

Chinese (Mandarin)= Miàowāzhǒngzì  (Literally means "Strange Seed Frog")

Chinese (Cantonese)= Gēiyihjungjí  (Literally means "Bizarre Seed")


                                                                       Anatomy of Bulbasaur


                                                                  Evolution Tree of Bulbasaur

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So Much.

Pokémon - Arceus Revenge

Pokémon - Arceus Revenge


I’ve had enough!’ Arceus yelled at his grandsons Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. He was mad because they kept on battling each other. He decided he needed help. He summoned his old friend Ash, who previously helped him get back the Jewel of life.
Ash had a terrible dream that night that Dialga, Palkia and Giratina were trying to defeat each other.

(More on Pokemon Official Website)

Ash told Misty and Brock, his partners on his journey. Brock was in the middle of catching a Ditto, so he told Misty.          
 ‘Really, cause’ I had a dream like that too,’ she said. Brock caught his Ditto and came over. ‘What are you talking about?’ Ash told him everything. ‘I had a dream like that too,’ he said. ‘I dreamt that they were in the bell tower!’
So they set off on their flying Pokémon. Misty had a Fearow, Ash had a Staravia, and Brock turned his Ditto into a Staravia,while Ash's cutest Pokemon Pikachu sat on Ash's shoulder. They flew to the bell tower. They saw a Ho-Oh overhead. ‘Wow! Look at that!’ cried Brock, amazed.


They saw Giratina fall down. Ash let Pikachu over to help out, and Arceus was mad. He thought that Pikachu had done it. ‘You horrible humans!’ he yelled. ‘You shall all pay!’ Arceus was really mad and used Judgment on Pikachu, and Pikachu fainted straight away. ‘We didn’t do it!’ Brock yelled to Arceus. ‘Yeah! We would never do something like that!’ Misty cried! Then the trio heard the sound of a Meowth, and that only meant one thing.


‘Prepare for trouble.’ ‘And make it double,’ they sang in glee. ‘SHUSH YOU GUYS!’ Ash yelled at them. ‘Why do that? We have a master ball and are thinking of capturing Arceus in it.

‘How did you get that?’ Misty asked.
‘We stole it from Oak,’ they said. ‘Oh you bad, bad guys,’ Ash said. He sent out his Tortera to use Vine wipe, and they stole the ball back. ‘Hey, you can’t do that!’ they yelled, but no one could hear them, Tortera used leafstorm to sent them away in the speed of light. ‘I am sorry for doubting you my friends,’ Arceus said, ‘Take this, and be happy.’ Arceus gave them revives, and Ash gave it to Pikachu. Everyone was happy, so they set off on their journey, to the Johoto league, and Ash knew he would win it!


                                                        A New Cutest Pokemon!

One day I woke up with something in my bed.I piked it up and knew what it was'it was a POKE'BALL.So I opened it up and a Piplup popped out.I walked out of my house and it was a huge world of pokemon.

The other cutest Pokemon that I had was itching for a fight,so I ran into some grass,that had a cutest Pokemon in it,after I was done mopping the floor with that Pokemon,piplup{My cutest Pokemon}started to twitch,at first I thought that he was sick,but then he looked different.Then I knew why it was twitching,it was evolving!

Piplup turned into a Prinplup! Prinplup got into trouble real quick,Prinplup found a Turtwig and when it looked like Prinplup was going to win I put theTurtwig in a Poke'ball,so if you were wanting to know how to catch a pokemon,there you go.

And whoa, for you dear readers, here is my list of the cutest Pokemon on our favorite Youtube.